Collapsible lungs Bendable fingers Removable teeth But the pain still lingers It feels like we weren't made long for this world.
Pluckable eyes Breakable jaws If we look past the lies We know it's because We know we weren't made long for this world
Carve up your pound of flesh Take from me my last breath Cause I'm a stitched up limping mess And only you can cure my death
Inflatable pride Debatable truth Preferable lies Reimbursable youth I know I'm not made long for this world.
Surrendered pride Rendered truth We rended light Cause the darkness is cool I know you weren't long for this world
I Carved up your pound of flesh Stole from you your last breath You were a limping bleeding mess And you carried off my death
The transaction was made But no one but me Could say fair trade And walk away ungrieved I don't deserve to be long for his world I don't deserve to be long for his world