I was your little girl, Who swells in hives at the thought of bees. And I wonder- If my skin grew blue upon entering the world, with that umbilical cord noose Around my throat.
Would you have differentiated fear from love?
Each sting, a red handprint Serving as a childhood memory on our grand search for the big dipper not through imprints covering my skin like speckled constellations.
Could your arms have choked love into me? As a form of protection from the world, Or the terrifying thoughts in my brain.
Should have been my mother bird. A broken wing no cause for concern, you take your feathers, mending me.
I was your little girl, Rolling in the grass, barefoot and happy. Dad talks about me like I’m a pastime- He can’t escape. How does a father speak about their child, in the same way, people express distaste for smoking?
Hope he doesn't think of me, Like a painful itch. When he chain smokes His time left in clouds.
But I feel the resentment And his suggestion that I bring decay into his life.
My dreams are often hidden truths, Nobody, in reality, dares to speak. Admitting what he’s too afraid to say. Last night his words stinging like a bee,