Eyes water as I hold my breath Feel the air depleting as I beg for death. Arms bleed and fall numb to the pain Crawling through the window into the rain
Ears throbbing from the outlandish blast Siting with my rifle, this fight will be my last Enemies approach for an attack Pull the bolt back, give it one quick rack.
I’m a warrior, I’m no stranger to the fray Battle hardened from death and decay This is where I will make my final stand Forgive me, for I may go to the holy land
Rifle barrels explode all around Shells land on the blood soaked ground Reinforcements push up, securing the area Medics pull me away from the mass hysteria
I look back at my fallen comrades Men that were sons, husbands, and dads Locked in a twisted burning tomb Unable to escape their fiery doom.
5 years have past since that day Nightmares that haunt me will never go away I think of them every time I hug my family Hero’s of war or just another casualty?