Living at my parent's house without a car or a job it would seem I have no desires or dreams lack of motivation and ambitions I'm just a slob I don't care about what happens to me because to no longer care brings an end to anxiety Wrong I don't want my life to become a waste with just a taste of happiness and what it's like not quite sure what I'm waiting for it isn't okay to focus on the bad as if the good was never there can I have a meaningful purpose Maybe I want to try and know it's alright to fail it happens to everyone because that's how we learn if I die I don't want to be without the details about life while my mind carries on wondering about everything Infinitely I really wonder what use I can be with a mediocre mind holding a failing chance at success there is no knowledge to leave me anything to know better than an uneducated guess as useless as I am Stuck Between life and death is inevitability happening nothing is waiting for a cause the present is happening now with the consent of motion and the illusion of time surrounded by cold pitch black barely scratching the surface with just a thought Here Where I am slowly fading a small insignificance with a comprehension missing pieces where the poison seeps in with an unquestioning belief a challenge met with the threat of nonexistence the true plot disappears with the illusion Trapped With no new beginnings and no endings doomed to continue it's way through showing life it is a hiccup in eternity but it still matters essentially to the living future past Presently I am here with this in mind