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Feb 2019
Visited any church and witness the differences.
Watch them act out and perform and it's not all any song.
You in some cases hear these "sudden on the point" God just spoke to me" with a word.
So singular instead of plural, he spoke.

He never seems to address the ministers creating their own mess in church.
But to them to preach to the congregation of the church.

Visit and see ministers go on this journey of scriptures.
Editing the full scripture which doesn't address the issue.
Classic example "MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL"?

Pushing aside "The Love of".

Visit and watch so many sermons about this honorable woman/man of God with the anointing.
When many times God hadn't jumped into his/her spirit in that form.

You know a sincere soul in the shepherd hood to lead a flock by his wisdom.

He/she balance of teaching, guiding anyone to be a better person.
While knowing slipups does happen.

Visit any church and see if they are WELCOMING with stares and judgment.

Place that church under your own microscope.
Stay focus.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
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