. yeah... and sharekhan with a sinbad are alive... i almost tried dying while writing this... with the leftovers of bon jovi via the... blatant gore of glory... but you know... can't exactly learn to ride a horse... while at the same time learning to buckle-up an... automobile... ****'s brickers on 'n 'op... wankers sarge... and wankers they 'ure 'r' to 'emain! the 'est part of me met the choir requirements... the rest of me settled fown in Vermont... i leave the remaining part of me to... curiosity phlegm... and... tabloid... your knitty-gnat-part-time-son... surname whicker scone... ******: if you're gonna borrow: you borrow with a face of will and a demand for... the last daft serf bonanza i will ever encourage myself with... the time i will take to safeguard building Atlanta, Georgia... and you better steal my best good-gold ****** fold on betting... that this ******* pile of brick will not last into the mid 20th century... betting man man... thank god we never made it to the Mississippi.. ******* mud-dog hauser! clingy events of the clangs of 'ew 'ork... bet counter via.. a ******* paddy... twice assured a joker card... thrice up on t he king of spades... i too bet on Boston 'ot 'urning 'een! the base of experiencing the blaze... i wannah... but at the same time... i always want to forget reliving the experience of Versailles... like, world war I and II were... the worst that could befall a man... me? i remember pretending to chase, hide & seek... visiting Ypres... in the trenches... (where) any of us were given a chance to ****-about chasing out our sorry-*** souls in the confines of Versailles? not that i know of...
back in the east London brothels... you know... it... really wasn't much... you don't have to heave the exhausting jealousy segment of engaging in... a "life worth living"...
little england: big america... chances of me living in that grand continet of praise? nill... and of it, knowing where i write from? equal "concern"... big continent from where i'm from... and... little country from where i'm not to be.
i will never 'e one over the other h'american, as i will 'ever 'e 'un one european to another; so we 'ave that covered? good! let's give ourselves enough ground to reiterate!
please, spare the children... let us reiterate the reindroduction of the jew among the arabs! we just had ourselves a divorce... the children ought to know!