Sometimes we can tear We can rip off pieces Of ourselves as we go Along wounding and Tearing ourselves as we Go along the jagged Twisted roads of life It can be easy to pick Up these tears and rips Leaving scars across Our bodies and scars In our minds as we Move along in life If they are really deep They can begin to tear Over and over again as We continue to take Damage and hardships Never truly healing our Tears and our wounds We can just keep Reopening the same old Wounds and not knowing How to get rid of the pain That keeps building up Inside that they can't Control the pain and the Hurt and the internal scars That keep breaking and Bleeding as we try to find Different ways to bandage Our own wounds Unfortunately we often Choose the wrong things To try and heal our pain Or heal our scars and we Can ultimately end up Hurting ourselves more In the process trying to Stitch ourselves back Together again from The mess that our Lives can easily become But the only thing that Can heal any scar is love Love heals all wounds both Physical and emotionally And especially spiritual It is the only thing in life That can completely heal Everything if we allow it We just have to be willing To seize and find that inner Well of love and peace And healing inside of Ourselves to truly set Ourselves free from The pain and the scars And all of the restrictions That come from holding On to those scars and Allowing them to build Over time until the pain And scars can become All we will ever know