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Feb 2019
Off to a break to have some fun
I love life in every single way
You see I do textiles and drawing and painting
I feel cool as well as feeling young
I have my problems but I don’t let them down me
Because I am cooler than them
My voices drive me nuts
Cause sometimes I feel they are true
But I know they are not
And it doesn’t stop me from loving life today oh yeah
I don’t like beer it is ****** fowl
I am trying to stay away from sugar oh yeah
And since I haven’t had it
I feel like living my life
To the full oh yeah oh yeah
I watch my vlogs and I write my poems yes I am having fun
Fun is my middle name oh yeah
And nobody, not even a little bratty kid who sprays me with water cannot stop me from loving life yeah
I am doing well
You can honestly tell
Yes oh yes oh yes I really loved life
Written by
johnny georgy brown
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