A pang in my chest says don't pursue him he'll be just like the others patting you on the head and telling you who you are until its bored into you. You'll leave looking for strangers to surprise someone who doesn't know your favorite wine maybe he'll choose something refreshing that you don't like. At least it will be different, not the same until he walks away and it's over. And you suddenly miss having someone who knew you that way - so we'll. oh well. So you'll take some time to stretch yourself and then you'll be ok and then you'll start looking but find nothing and quickly spiral into a depression because no one wants to know you like he did. So you'll call him and complain about your lack of options, feel guilty for oversharing then send him a naked pic for listening. And the you'll go on a date with someone 'great' and then they'll disappoint you because they seemed spontaneous but aren't really or are but don't have their **** together. And then you'll... **** I can't do it anymore.