We traveled in a capsule to a distant galaxy, to a far out land, man.
We hovered above the jagged rocks staring at undefined colors; bouncing off crystalline images of gods and goddesses frolicking in the island mist.
The sun, oh the freaking sun, it was an orange lollipop. Tiny woodland creatures played maypole around the stick, a steady stream of warm water cooled their furless skin.
We landed gently on the soft terrain; exploring each other in a world hidden beneath a blade of tall grass; sunflowers dripped honey dew onto our tongues.
We played with headless creatures, they were unburdened by their brains which floated in the space above them.
Their brains were nothing more than empty thought bubbles. We used our bobby pins to burst each and every one of them;
further unburdening the headless creatures.
As the headless creatures shed their lifeless skin revealing candy hearts with messages like “I love you” and “You’re sweet”