I can see how broken you are. Behind all that rage. Underneath all that reason and duty to do the right thing. I see you wake from fitful sleeps. The way you look at your own reflection with such hate. And still with the promise on your lips that everything will be okay. I see how much you hold in. The things that haunt you and hurt you and driddle you thinner each day. Even with your shoulders back and chin held high like a good little soldier. I see the way your muscles ache from all those walls you built. The ones you guard night and day. You pray that no one sees through that facade but I do. I do. I see the way you carry the burdens of your loved ones not once even considering trading in the weight. The echos of horrible pasts creeping in the shadows just waiting for you to cave. I see how beat down and feverish you are on nights you think you're all alone. Staying up to watch over your family and keep them safe even from the wind. I see the dull of your eyes when youre trying desperately to reflect the light. I see you. But I want you to know I also see how strong you are. And how brave. And how beautiful. And oh how I love you.. Do you see me too?