Here we lie side by side, staring at each others face,
heads on hands held up by elbows, breathing in this time and place,
we share our thoughts, we speak our dreams, we melt into each other's eyes,
we reminisce, we trace our paths, broken hearts sometimes our goodbyes
but tonight we loved, our deepest love, we accepted from each other,
tender kisses we placed, on each others lips, like kisses from our mother,
with such deep love we breathe each other, your lavender I taste,
slowly I feel all of you, every smooth silky inch, rushing would be waste
though sometimes we have our differences, tonight we blend like one,
water and oil, the fertile soil was joined like rain and sun,
I give praise and thank the heavens, for sharing this with you,
I do not deserve, feeling every curve, your musky morning dew
beads of sweat run down my brow, hearts are beating hard and fast,
almost there, no releasing yet, make this loving moment last,
now I am yours and you are mine, as naked stars collide,
expansion then, and now collapse, we are unified.
Gomer LePoet...