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Feb 2019
There is power in a moment. A moment of weakness a moment on your knees. A moment of silence a moment of ease. A moment can feel so long and pass by in the blink of an eye. Between life and death there is but a moment. How did I use the moments I was given? So much can be said, conveyed, felt in a moment of silence between friends and so often we want to fill these moments with noise because the silence is deafening. There are defining moments and moments that take our breath away. All these moments and many others make up our lives. Just sit still and be quiet for a moment and you begin to realize everything you’ve been missing. We are so distracted and we distract ourselves so we don’t have to listen to the uncomfortable truth and the tough love. We become oblivious to what is in front of our eyes. And what is in front of our eyes right now is Jesus. He leads us so he should always be in front of our eyes. Jesus loved us so much that he died for us while we were unworthy to free us and be with us one day. It was over in a moment. Let us take a moment now to stop and listen and feel the power of that moment. The moment that God said β€œI Love You. See how much I love you!”.
Written by
ShowYouLove  United States
(United States)   
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