We are the Lost Generation The forsaken and forgotten ones Splintered between the Age of Empires: TV and iPhones Wedged into slices of sullen Americana Abruptly, we are scattered in solemn silence My dreaded Intention flees from vexing self-destruction Thus, I am stranded...simply waiting-- To die; 'to sleep, perchance to dream' We are an idea of silent ambition Withered kinetic energy, floating away-- We are the Lost Generation...
I don't know if this idea is official or not, but the term (to me) of the "Lost Generation" is my generation (which is a bit of a misnomer, because the gap we're speaking of is shorter than a generation). But, the lost generation as I know it is the people in America who are wedged between generation y and the "iPhone generation." Those who grew up on AOL IM, and saw the dawn of video game consoles as we know them, and were close to college age at the dawn of iphones. It is called the 'Lost Generation" because most of "us" don't identify with our slightly-older peers, or those who grew up with smart phones.