Terror in a palm? To reside in the limelight Fairly and heavy with ecstasy's challenge Fascination with when, we are choices, to be mine?
And your enamored thumb... Sweet, the excess we note, is the gift of neediness more To energies that claim the day for us... So sweaty a remorse, the taint of decision's and form...?
Look at my dainty flower, the names of misery... Is a retort from the east, of each and eden? Paces of prayer's we've doted, are a cool head, ornory My eye for you, the instinct of ask and foible, leading...?
Too bucolic in the name of mortal silence, is a giving future? Why the crass judgment that comes to beleaguer? Beginning with a nature we foresaw, as a patient curiosity... Made for the vows of other's, have you seen their dream we're...
Of the land, having the vice of you as the deeds of open bother? Where you are, and with all to assume, a need's heart to roam Of history in motion, come to bitter example of losses and neither Of truth's estranged wind, the toil of another voice, will the time pleasingly and presently come...?
Most wouldn't suggest the coming automobile... And other's will also serve the name of justice once more And the precious words of avarice we save from hell Tones of voice with you to prove, are the careful, with a trying world...