Judgemental? Yes A car that hasn't been cleaned in ages It makes you think Their driving? Gonna be bad
You step in and already the signs are negative A mess of untold takeaways, how do some people live 11 Magic Tree's all hanging from the mirror On the passenger seat their food, an old McDonald's wrapper
CD cases shoved into the depths of the car doors pockets From Jane McDonald onto Steps, please God, just stop it Penny sweet wrappers all mixed with their mint Extra's On the back seat a GB map and a DVD of Michael C Hall in Dexter
I start to wonder what the state of their house really is Not Hoovered for weeks, stinks to high heaven with old food in the fridge But let's not stray as they might actually be a surprise Jumps in, no seatbelt on, no, this really is a pigsty
Whacks it into first, revs right up, let's skip that trip and put it in third Who teaches these people the way to live in life Did their parents skip a growing up class on how to live nice Or maybe I have morals that sour down to being too pleasant Were nearly there, just a quick ride which I'm starting to wish I hadn't
Getting out I thank them for their generosity, until next time, She replied, "Don't be stupid son, I'm your mum, your always welcome for a free ride!"