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Jan 2013
The devil on my shoulder speaks
Clouding my mind with thoughts
I'm not supposed to think of,
Who is this that is addressing her?
Jealousy rises in me; what am I to do?
Attention to details I gave
Remembered all the little things
Always there when needed,
Invisible am I; as he is present
He becoming her only devotion,
Louder now the devil whispers
Not a care in the world if she talks
Let her want; I won't lift a finger,
A taste of that; which she gave
To me when I wanted her the most,
Anger rebelling in my attitude,
She comes; and one word she utters
Just one; like a heavenly quire
Breaks my wall of stone emotions
Crumbling to her feet, defenseless;
The devil turns away knowing defeat
I am hers; to her bidding I am dedicated,
Will my love ever be reciprocated?
© okpoet
Nestor David Armas
Written by
Nestor David Armas  37/M/OC
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