Midnight thrall: middle of the road, fingers tucked in long full-sleeves but for floodlights emerging off mists:
An event. A memory. A bell. No end in sight.
Silent night. Mad owls prowl. Confused crows some still awake.
Milk clogs the kitchen drain. Hour of the shadows. Nothing ever lasts, nothing ever lasts.
Distant clock. Pitter-patter tap.
Stupid evolution.
The gene pool flows on to utter unknown ends.
Meanwhile we dream up heaven-like unions and revolutions and coronations.
Stupid night. Confused crickets.
Spider and insects. Enter the lizard. Half a telephone ringing. Man at the summit.
See-saw, swing. Dying distance.
A thought-stream. I'll let you explore the layers, textual connections and meanings - essentially a quibble on our struggles vs. our genetic code - however the lines lend themselves to more!