Here I am mourning silently, over thy pictures once again. Though my affection still remains, I cannot burn my jealousy.
Let pangs of grief come over me, let t'ese boasting tears fill my soul. Tear it away and make it howl, when th' night sings into th' tree.
Slay me and **** me by thy hell With chokes of thy burning desire. For I'm not th' one thou admire, whose stories thou canst never tell.
Prodigal dame, in her night gown is in whom thy heart lies at rest Her ***** thy eloquent nest Lover and wife thy very own
And I'a shadow of nothingness Incapable of love and truth Thy lust and fears I cannot soothe; my whims are a sea of blandness
And thou bestoweth on me once more Feelings of love and sacred mirth With thy own smiles, grins, and sweet flirt Breaths as warm as the sandy shore
Thy countenance meek as thou speak Melt my remorse and heart away Vanished worlds real to me that day Before another wound thou wreaketh
Th' moment thou gave me a kiss With heartbeats and perspiration Eyes full of warm radiation; and saith t'at thou wert in deep bliss
She agreed to be thy mistress Was thy river of joy t'at day A promise made in early May Next to th' yards of old churches
How I leapt in frost and anger- about my room in grand distress! Didst I again sink to disgrace- like a stem that lost its flower!
A rose that should've bloometh in summer Now bereft of its cheerful life Want it doth to end on a knife; lost now its prince and true lover.
The broken heart just as it seems Meaningless and tiny its frame Ruptured by stealthy guilt and shame Wailing and shrieking in its limbs.
A broken heart as it might be Bereft of its true destiny Lost in the realms of deceit- overwhelmed by stiff dust and filth
Ah, it's no-more than a stain of blood Like a vain walk in th' morning And th' cheerful male wren singing, nothing of a wrath of the heart!
People laugh at and chastise it ***** on it 'till it melts away Into ashes and sweaty clay- lost in their noisy and gay beat!
How it weeps in its silent sleep In damp slumbers at snowy nights Its whispers a pitiful sight! From a cloud high and mis'ry deep.
'How unloved areth thee, young maiden'- said th' old man and his daughter. 'Thy cheeks teary, thy lips'rt brazen'- noted 'em in t'eir burst of laughter.
And how t'ey took my hand in 'em! Warm friendship t'at I'd never known So far as th' grim time has flown So dear is t'is friendly emblem.
Affectionate and gay hearts Areth my innocent silent stars. Whilst t'ose rich pupils areth at war From each other wilt we not part.
T'ose creatures cold and ice-like Blind to others and t'eir suff'rings. Away t'ey shalt fly on t'eir wings With contempt and hatred alike.
But lucky as th' broken heart Holiness remaineth its heaven And words of God areth its tavern Which brings it light and a neweth start
And to th' light shalt I proceed, as fate hath quietly decreed. Helplessness my mere company, but faith in God still beside me.
No more of t'is grief shalt linger, tranquility is my bedside. Shots t' my skin soft as small tides, and blades canst killeth me no longer.
With t'is solemn final heartbreak, t'ese areth th' last words I would speak. Beneath me stayeth th' peace of home, mine as soon I dwelleth in my tomb.