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Feb 2019
She danced in circles by the Sea,
Barefoot, a hypnotic scene,
He gazed in awww, as her silhouette met with the sunset
A view like this has to be heaven sent,
she danced in circles as if carefree, drowning her sorrows by the Sea,
He watched her fondly... and for a minute buried all his woes,
under the sand where no one goes,
just for a moment in time the world rolls on,
We're stuck in a gaze,
We shared agony and love with such a Grace,
For one last time she danced in circles against a reddening sunset,
Eyes locked she got to see....
for one last time,
His smile,
His laughter and his humanity
This poem is about my late husband watching me hula hoop.  Just one of the few normal memories I have of him before his mental illness and demise.
ScaR SavagE
Written by
ScaR SavagE  34/F/LB, CA
(34/F/LB, CA)   
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