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Jan 2013
Welcome world, welcome to the land of
CYY; Where you can be
Yourself; Where you can sing,
Yell, scream, or dance along to your favorite songs!

9* million people who are CYY,
4 ways to listen; Radio, Phone App, Online,
. or on iHeartRadio.
3 ways to request a song; call, text, or
F*illing out on CYY's website. So welcome to our
M*usic family, where each day we grow bigger with more CYY freaks!
Copyright; 2013
McNally, Inc.
I wrote this for my local radio station for a contest to see Passion Pit.
(2 of 2 poems I wrote; see Passion Pit)
Note: WCYY's website is, you can get their app and iHeartRadio's app in the app store for itunes or andriods, and if you are in Maine you can tune in at 94.3fm.
Nina McNally
Written by
Nina McNally  33/F/Maine
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