You sink to the bottom of despair Choke on the memories of failure And wish you could stop the pain, To stop your life
The chains of life, however, don't let it happen They grasp so ever firmly your heart until it hurts Bruised the flesh that they cling to Barely keeping you here; you can see the clear blue skies from your watery prison
You gasp, you scream You wish the chains would shatter, that you would at long last be embraced by the void of darkness at the bottom
But in the back of your mind, at the bottom of your shackled heart, you pray and hope that these chains would bring you out of this hell That you could once more feel the fresh crisp air against your blue and purple skin
You release tears unseen, And scream to be released from limbo To either perish or be set free But truth be told, You're the one fighting the chains you hate so much You're the warden of this watery hell