Lantern boy Pick your head up Everyone is looking Don’t panic Breathe Let the cocktail of depression and anxiety take over Soak in every moment Go numb Abandon your friends Don’t answer calls or texts Don’t leave your house Eat minimal meals like cereal and water If your friends ask why you haven’t answered simply tell them ‘I was busy’ They may not buy it but it’s good enough for now They will try to tell you to eat, don’t listen, even though it pains you not to After all this they will begin to worry, don’t let them Tell them you are fine It hurts you to lie to them but you have to protect yourself from them finding out
After weeks of lying you will finally break It hurts at first but gradually it starts to feel better and you will start to think “hey breaking down doesn’t seem so bad” Your friends won’t understand this overflow of emotions and why you kept them bottled up for so long They ask”why you didn’t tell us sooner” You don’t reply because you know the truth will hurt them But hey at least you survived right?