There is so much strength in the unapologetic nature of my sisters When they do not duck or quake when the bad word is uttered in their name It is the foundation of dignity to become aware so words are said withΒ Β conviction. The music makes sense when you sing to the crowd and they listen
Don't take applause as a sign of correctness Even megalomaniacs have heard cheers
Listen to the audience thinking about what you've said
Move them from underneath the ground they stand Be an earthquake so they are forced to balance their ideas Let them fall into the cracks, so they can climb out with both hands, make them fight for their thoughts on you Whatever it is they think of you, let their opinion be well placed Not thrown like a rotten tomato
To my sisters, let me remind all with a gentle memo: Free Speech can lose value Especially when you listen to your worst critic but lean on your number one fan: Yourself
You need to listen to yourself think. Thinking takes time Words are quicksand It's not about the number of decisions made in the life given It's about the quality of those choices in the years I am given. The maker is giving me a choice what sand to place in my hourglass.