Yesteryear's greats Left they the universe impregnat'd with infinite wonders Had they no regrets? Dwells on the subject, my mind ponders
Alexander III of Macedon, Alexander the Great Undefeat'd you in battle you were Never conquering death as one of your states don't you regret? Alexander McQueen was it one of your designs, death? What of you oh kings and queens whose very thrones sat on this earth
Abraham Lincoln abolisher of slavery you were, To death a slave became you not? Nelson Mandela peace and humanity, that you striv'd for With death did your peace you make ? William Shakespeare a master in the art of words Weave you your way past death with words did you?
Oh on your deathbed held you no regret That all your greatness from death could not preserve you
Dwells on the subject, my mind ponders Surely death knows no great