Reality has a funny way Of wrapping itself into a tiny ball And plummeting effortlessly into Our wide, gaping mouths As we raise our luminous faces To the vast and forgiving skies. Or spinning itself outward Into the weightless shadows Of the wind which beats down Upon our pale, vibrating chests, Creating a rhythm that swoons And capsizes with the wavering Translucent strokes of the ocean Upon the pure, unfiltered sand. Life is too much with us, As we push our weary feet Against the all encompassing ground, Dragging ourselves across Stormy sidewalks covered in Old wrapping paper and chewing gum, Bristling park lawns Littered with budding clover and popsicle sticks, Smooth, linoleum floors Full of traces of the past Kept real by shuffling feet and 104 degree fevers. As we continue on, Through city streets, childhood playgrounds And hospital waiting rooms, We carry a little bit of the world with us, Hidden away beneath forgotten promises And diluted memories full of Passionate illusions. Time is too real to face head on, So instead we package it up And ship it away to the future In the form of 99 cent greeting cards, Faded blue jeans full of pocket lint and sentiment, And nine to five jobs that circle endlessly until we can no longer bear it. It's only in the dark of the night In between warm, downy comforters And the slow steady glow of A dull, canary street light That it comes to us, Sometimes only for a moment, Before it evaporates again Into the mundane complacent Lilac and honey fairy tale Which is life.