So what does this mean Does it mean anything at all Are there any feelings left Or are you twisting the real meaning around my head Snapping my neck And destroying my motivation How should I approach this Should I take a quiet step back And let it all fester and settle down Wisely study and analyze each surprising word conversed Or should I leap off the cliff and leave only a cloud of dust behind My feet look for a place to land But as of right now I just fall at a constant velocity Free falling with no parachute No net No harness No guide But the question is Will I leap and suspend myself in winds that only the birds master My answer to that will be no Absolutely not Not until I grow wings to carry me My heart needs to look through its scope and aim it's knowledge carefully at it's target I will not pull any trigger unless I am absolutely sure of what I'm shooting A scanner examines me from head to toe Results show an awfully big shock Detecting that there is something still there in my chest It has always been there But it's not me I'm uncertain of It's her It has always been her She proved to me once that she had a heart the size of the moon But will she shine through the darkness that has congregated over the months And why or how Why would she turn completely around when she was so sure of having her back towards me The direction she was going was a bold move that said everything I shut everything down I convinced myself that I couldn't climb that mountain that was behind me So I had no choice but to turn around and start forward And the paces I took dragged a long ways along nothingness A walk through a desert with an occasional rain here and there And all of a sudden a lightning bolt to light up a new path I took the bait she was fishing with Dangling it all around me Tempting my hunger And I caved I replied to that question My curiosity is hard to put a rein on And right now I feel content I shouldn't feel the way I feel But I do Why do we feel a certain way What are the combination of factors that determine our feeling's outcome All these emotions were put in and the hypothesis states that I should feel angry, offended and abandoned But I don't And back to the original questions What does this mean Honestly I have no idea Does it mean anything at all It has to Are there any feelings left On my part there certainly is