I want to bury my heart deep beneath the sea and never have to feel its ache or break again I want to cast that pain away deep beneath the waves and never have to look back and see it
I want it to sink away to melt away to be gone for good or so I think but then then you're the there and I want to feel it I want to feel all of it every heartache every teardrop every bend and break
cause you're worth it, you know that? you're worth every lifetime of **** every awful lonely night and day and all the times I pretend to be OK and you're worth every drop of sweat and blood
every minor pang of guilt and every scream of brutal agony and alone or together you're what we're all looking for that person that one thing that makes life worth living
and deep down we'd all tear apart the world to find you cause with out you we want to sink away want to bury our hearts deep beneath the sea and I will not build my life on these smaller truths I'll build it around you
you're what makes my heart worth beating and without you it might as well just burn or be buried or rot away melt away sink away drift away and the tide pulls my heartbeat away.
I swear to god I haven't been writing a bunch of poetry in almost no time at all. It's a bunch of old stuff from over the summer and through the fall.