She has a story She was once 300 pounds. She was never worried until someone called her fat. She brushed it off at first , but the comments kept coming and the people kept judging until she cried her self to sleep at night because no one took the time to know her and see her beauty within. Instead they visualized her imperfect body onto a piece of paper to pass around the class. She was so embarrassed, She ran home from school that and never left her room. She slept through the weekend She began passing by mirrors so quickly she didn't want to see the drawing that was passed around and ridiculed by and abundance of people. The scale became her best friend, but her worst enemy The number on the scale dropped just as her body did each time she forced food from her body. The mind that once was so beautiful became a math class for calories You couldn't get a bigger number or the answer would be wrong She consumed less and less each day Hating the feeling She hated feeling this way but she hated being laughed at more She was congratulated on the drop of pants sizes No one realized her drop food consumption. The loss of weight became her addiction The drawing wasn't being passed around anymore. She wasn't a fat girl in huge clothes She wasn't a walking diabetic waiting to be diagnosed She wasn't a "muffin top" people would make fun of But it didn't stop for her The calculator in her head felt more familiar and more supportive than her family Her sickness soon became all she had She kept that drawing and replaced it for the food that would never touch her lips But she never realized that her body didn't look like a giant marshmallow It was a work of art that had way more beautiful detail. She was just too busy counting to see the canvas where it all lied.