The window fogs, as white lights fall away running fast as can be on into a sea of infinity.
She yawns, then fingers a circle into the glass trying to make time pass, make her hours move faster then those minute ******* that just drag on.
Dullness settles in. Her mind wanders slipping beyond normal constraints.
A pew, pew, pew of imaginary lasers escape her small lips as she races to escape this boring moment.
Little blue eyes close, and all those stars above move light years closer, as she sits in the cockpit of a little weaponless space junker.
Two bogeys, circle her ship, but she ducks and twirls through the gap, allowing the blasts to blow up passing meteorites which shred the metal plating and pulsating engines of her impatient pursuers.
Now she is free to explore infinity with her Soft body settled deeply into the comfort of the old couch.
Eyes still closed. Her mom comes home, kisses her brave space traveler on the forehead, then carries the tired wayfarer off to bed. A space where dreams take the young explorer farther into the star sparkling unknown.