Blasphemy! Must you harass my soul Heat breathes from within Ah! How you vex Mocked assurity charismatic inquity Magnetically persuaded Hell can be evaded But once Pantomime with my Heart strings Positvely attracted To that which is negatively Perceived With so much ease Doth that rock role down The hill Artificial light... Crushed with each rotation How hard fell I for you Upon a hill... Upon a hill... Repeatedly pelted With this divine purpose Blasphemy! Must it be This sin I furtively commit Wilting Internally Looked upon as if My skin is no longer adhered to these decayed bones Looking inside of me My downfalls Splashed in my face Oh! I'm melting! ...for her But a consonant No larger than a rock in the road Return to me Reverberation occurs Rebounding off the walls of Your thought cavity He...R Three dots seperate me from "Straight is the path and narrow is the way" And Homosexuality ~Deciding Factor~
Before we judge, sometimes we should step back and think..."it could've been me."