The way the clock ticks Smooth away Spirits dry Slightly tender ears Become another breath
A breath a sigh a mess to deal with A test of zeal & a box of papers strewn left & right torn & strung about to conceal the floor the door the walls & the ceiling
naked peach & sweating standing still like a post, but turning around slowly internally putting on graces & smiling, sniffing the glass before frowning & commenting on the values of waiting, or diving right into the chasm of debt, he looks handsome & brutish like a man best used for feeding himself, feeding someone else mere feed he was food a cow in a pasture devouring to continue the feeding for some dollars each day increasing
‘no worries mate’ a gesture to continue moving there’s less to do ensuing deadlines wave beside the days arrive sequentially, enduring through them dutifully
like you must
red stars of sparks string off his limbs & burn holes in the papers brown cigarette burns widen & envelop the papers that are small, the bigger ones catch alight & fall to the floor & it spreads to the door the walls & the ceiling
now naked & blue & burning the red & yellow flame rises high a candle stands spinning screaming & fighting & running from foe who will eat him, or **** him he sleeps shivering under stars burning brighter than his own & the papers are gone
so few left to feed the fire he collapses in a heap of soot & ash
he lies naked & black & steaming
panting & huffing like a kid on a balloon on hands & knees observes the wreck & sighs to clean the mess before he becomes accustomed or bored he swings a broom around and a dust pan handily collects the soot & the wreck doesn’t seem so bad
it still stands & he stays there
in a darken pit, a hole of charred plaster & carpet,
it seems OK so he stays there
all along the street the candles are snuffed out
they still stand so they stay there
in a row toe to toe all together in compartments of a box of matches