They have us surrounded Shocked and astounded Bloodshot eyes weep tears By the thousands...
I looked at you, and you at me The most stunning beauty that I'd ever seen The boots on the ground and drones over head That was the moment...
That we knew for sure
They built their prison But it wasn't enough To contain two lovers As in love as us...
I could feel your heart pounding Lurching and leaping As the door burst open And the gas started seeping...
It was then that I held you And told you there was nothing to fear It is only a line, together we will cross A love as strong as ours could never be lost...
I remember the sting of fire in my back I remember your screams Everything went black And then we awoke, or so it seemed...
To an existence so beautiful it could only be a dream
You were young again More beautiful than you'd ever been That is when I knew that the old world Was only a means to an End...