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Jan 2013
What’s happening?
Can someone tell me.
We’re swimming in the red water of algae.
Infected by lies, the waters current driven by confusion,
the waters roaring every time we speak.

I can’t really breathe well down here, down where you left me.
The lies make it suffocating and the waters foggy.
When I reach the bottom of these waters, I let go and find myself floating up again towards the shore.
Back to the sun, the stars, the warmth.
I don’t know how much longer this will happen for.
Drowning, before I let go and won’t float up.

Everytime you say something sweet, or so I thought, the red gets darker.
When will our sea get blue?
Where the waves are shallow and the water can only get warmer with every breathe we take.
Where the current doesn’t roar but is only steady with our heartbeats.

I’m coming up. I’m letting go.
I need to know the truth.
Written by
Kissesforsilverscreens  The Big Apple
(The Big Apple)   
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