Sinus headache's no excuses Tylenol and water Suited up against the cold laced up loosely on the wounded toe zipped up hoodie time to go Not too chilly Little wind Cloud formations Promise cotton candy pink By the time I top the hill
Left foot - right arm Right foot - left arm I’ve got rhythm I’ve got music Joyful, Joyful in my mind playing in an endless loop long blocks up long blocks down small mountain in between to make it add to one point nine-eight miles
Wide cracks in the blacktop road Step across not on My mother had a painful back almost all her life Someone sprayed black tar across the gaps But they got filled with grit instead and random ciggy butts a sucker stick from Halloween and one blue shiny bead
Left right left right Left foot - right arm I take the uphill corner at speed and miss a step Left foot - left arm the pace is out of sync Now the street goes down hill Pick up speed Mustn’t trip No one’s awake to help me up
A stretch of alkali-looking sidewalk runs beside me only on one side The other side walks in the street I guess
300 elbow lifts fill 3 dead ended corners Time to turn and climb the hill rubble left by glaciers melting oh-so-very long ago
Scarred by ATV tracks Steep and crumbly Caution is my middle name
Heartbeat up where it belongs I stride the ridge and wait for Sunrise God is somewhere else today No hues if bubble gum Dark clouds stay dark Til shining gold behind them bursts to mark another day
I survey the town below and offer up my thanks as holy meditation then I turn back down the hill for my short walk to home.
Trying to stay healthy with a daily 3 mph, 2-mi. walk