I get judged I get eve-teased I get killed Outside by burns Or even inside the womb - as stated by medical terms I get thrown out If I’m not fertile And I get called names If I have a child Without getting a wedding-tied
I get beaten I get blamed Even if the fault isn’t mine I get objectified And told “She wanted it” But I still come out of it just fine Even then I get pained I get tired I get hurt I bleed a lot Not from only the physical/mental wounds But each month in my own blood I get drowned
I get locked up Sliding from the door step rotten food comes On the floor of dust I even am given ash and cloth to soak my ‘dirt’ Little do they realise it’s just a part of how we can ‘give birth’
I get humiliated I get hatred I also get good things and lot of love instead of blames or non-sensible names By those who are sane In places only few Cause it’s still an idea new To save a girl and her esteem too.
I get discrimination, Please, for sake of humanity, And not a new government policy. Change this inhuman tradition.