temptation the salivation....steaks running wild in our imagination not the child from the third world country they dreams of rice and clean water, suffering from stomach inflammation no more hesitation regrets never earn commemoration, but persevere via faulty dedication
don't hesitate just act.....because then the outcome will be exact, that's a fact we remember in countless situational drafts
there is the draft of the cold breeze, she quivers at her knees as i whisper warm air into her ear canal, she smiles due to a warming sensation which intrigues ear canal turned into an air tunnel resembling the structure of a funnel that we take for granted my words produce air currents harsh winds torment us as hurricanes wreaking havoc on all life and sound structures gentle breezes persuade us to befriend the outdoors and our surroundings initiate relief and relaxation breezes accumulate into strong winds escalating into hurricanes be careful not to let a breeze take hold of you; for we never know where the wind truly goes
i dare not to unleash a tempest upon my tranquil waters because i know i will be it's final victim