To assess meager cradling aborted efforts miscarried ambitions, I now berate myself plethora sans lack
of accomplishments to date and admit painful truth to self of an ill prosperous lx roam man fate, which life frivolous erratic
antics less productive slate than if existence spent hovered over an inter city heating grate since squelched milestones wrought hate
red of apathy toward self, and spate of penuriousness a tete a tete meager financial cushion barely keeps homelessness will ne'er abate.
~ April 13th, 1958 marked approximate initial biological, chronological, and fetal ugh glue tin nation, asper obstetric prenatal confirmed commencement, in situ i.e. womb (donned in his cute itty bitty cap and gown), whence through uneventful conception nine months
later lacked any blues clue nonetheless, this earth ling christened Matthew Scott Harris made his unheralded debut, albeit, then his anatomical timer immediately started counting down, loo
ping what seemed an eternity, when mortality would be due, vis a vis, meanwhile, he awakened, discovered, and galvanized transient tenancy as he grew since birth year month, and
date stamped upon this growing hue man, who possibly felt ****** out from warmth of womb into ice cold sterility naked like an Arctic monkey freezing in an igloo a singular diaspora of this "FAKE" gentile jew.