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Jan 2019
The rancid Commoners in contemptible union
On the high orders of Thieves and House burglars
declared go destroy and control innocent in unison
cast life into misery, torment and woe for that fella

Nefarious dumbos spin lies, mis-info 'n fabrication
slander, defamation and distortion in odious mix
go harass, hound and pester, drive him to frustration
Tell the unknowing he's arrogant, he deserves the jinx

United Dumbos, reprobates, degenerate and thieves
spew nonsensical hotch potch as gospel truth and facts
vilifying innocent man because their guilt painfully hives
Know that these gang stalking criminals hunt in packs

When some adhere to the code of silence in communities
It's because they know what will happen if they talk
If you dare stand up to crooks then expect such hostilities
know also that there are those willing to talk 'n face the flak

Written by
Yenson  M/London
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