When destinies are sold at markets stalls come harangue me about loss and changing fortunes
If a mother can whisper and awaken a limp dead child come and regale me tales of the pain of a broken heart
When the crippled beggars on the dusty tracks in Bombay Shows that invitation to a full lunch and dinner at the Savoy come tell me about your suffering because you're unemployed can only afford bread and butter for breakfast and chips for lunch
If M. Schumacher with millions now in lifeless comatose can leap up And lunge for his wife ravishing her in fervent passion and hot lust Do come and tell how you're depressed because you have no woman
The sound you may hear through walls Is grateful laughter for the gift of another day alife with full senses
The pain you think you see in the eyes Is the quiet reflection of gratitude that while you can see all colours There're thousands blinded who think they can see
What you call loneliness and alone Is The Higher Power assigning you time to stand aside and meet The Soul within, to meet yourself in the realm of the true self
In the silence of the quiet there is no pain sorrow or misery Celestial choirs in pristine forms heralds Glory Glory Hallelujah He who maketh, giveth and taketh away