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Jan 2013
I was once a beautiful, & colorful girl.

I had a lover of my own,

and hair of great bouncing curl.

My dearest and I had the truest of loves,

the kind that sent pangs,

through the hearts of white doves.

Ages ago, we were out on a sail,

t’was a beautiful day,

with a marvelous gale.

‘Till, in seconds, there came,

a downpour of rain,

and a scene that would change,

life of this poor dame.

I discovered my dear,

he was shrouded in fear,

clutching and fleeing and never looking back.

He abandoned our ship,

while we were under attack

I was thrown overboard,

with a most violent shove.

There I felt hands,

not of the usual class,

but thinner and sharper,

like that of broken glass.

It was then I was pulled,

roughly down to the dim.

The endless depths of the sea,

without him.

I looked up to the sky,

but oh, by & by,

the light of the world,

was shrinking rapidly.

The vixens and creatures of the dark,

surround me.

I would float, breathlessly,

among a world, under water.

Where the sea-souls of men,

are taken for slaughter.

It wasn’t the vast sea,

of splendid blue-green,

you know the kind,

that you see in a dream.

It was red and green and horrid, pitch black,

and he never looked back.

Didn’t toss me a float,

or a rope for my throat.

And when I rose to the top,

I swam to the shore.

The tide came and went,

a swift, gentle roar.

I stood there for what,

had seemed like years,

and your back facing me,

couldn’t fathom the tears.

The world spun on,

as she always does,

and my heart broke again

a million ******, pieces it was.

you had left,

you had gone,

but I was still holding on

to a past full of lies

and of tainted goodbyes.

my cries,

should have been,

for all of my wasted time.
Farah Hizoune
Written by
Farah Hizoune  Maryland
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