She never meant to linger; Just passing through she thought, I never meant to notice her; She's just like any other I thought;
She said a few things; I said a few more, A bridge started growing Between us Shaky and unstable Overlooking rapids Of the people and dangers All around,
We started across Sometimes only inches We'd make progress Our fears of falling Were prevalent, Sometimes we'd sit And just wave at each other,
Until one day Finally we met in the middle; She was beautiful close up Just as she did far away, The dangerous pitfall below We were afraid of no more,
The bridge grew stronger As the days passed, And we'd run across, I thought it would always Be like this,
But then came days I'd be on that bridge Wondering where she was If she was to come, But she was running across Other bridges meeting others,
But I never failed to miss a day I still ran across and waited I considered burning the bridge But every once in a while She'd look over and smile, Made me put away the matches,