Below the river’s mirrored surface Sun-catchers collect the eyes of fish And in reflecting rainbows Cast shadows through the currents.
The slippers of dimpled stones Tip-toe down-river-bottom The same direction that the Weeds blow.
Naked bodies that gleam blushes Connect with the hot rocks And rippled movements, Each one dives into the cold clutches of aqua Each one leaps on the rocks to lie in the sun.
The black and blue dragonflies, They boast their fast flight In full circles and angled turns And from their deep-set ebony eyes Pierce the spaces under rocks and between leaves.
Grains of sand are thieved from the shores By the fast fleeing waters that do not Stay in one place long. Those under the water Those that listen Hear the music that is so subtly drawn with each grain of sand Hear the music in the reflecting sun-catchers Hear the foot-falls of every dimpled stone Hear the music in the movements of those naked bodies And in the speedy flight of black and blue dragonflies.