I was there in the world of hate discust abandonment and lies. He was there a man of care understanding safety and dreams To be back in the world if only for an hour there is no question where the sickness came from All of those vampires with their tentacle stare couldn't help themselves when they were tempted with my beautiful air. To be put back into the world I escaped was a fate worse than death And for my man of the light to be a villain of the night was something even worse still. That looming presence of someone there that is gone was what morphed my sweet dream into the nightmare And for his light to be snuffed out with nothing left to illuminate save their reflection. That was all he was in that moment was a mirror reflecting the life the world the time that I so grudgingly deny but so fearfully remember. The time when nothing was real and everything was wrong. I couldn't bare to go back so he went instead... There he embodied all of the pain that was and cast it back at me so that I would never return.