I got the whole world in my hands, A woman existing in a diverse land I thrive in a tribe a group or a clan I crave and daydream to live in a nomad van So much beauty to see in all shapes and sizes So many stories to hear from all the different lives' The clear pristine river where the salmon dance makes me quiver in glee The bears that eat honey and take naps under a tree Cozy in their giant fur coats so content and free From the California coast through the seven seas What a variety of preference and what one believes The red Sea full of legend and myth The Indian ocean full of aquatic masterpieces in warm bliss The iced playground at the bottom of the globe Where creatures and humans dwell in insulated snowy abodes What an experience it would be To eat a banana in the rainforest with a monkey The humid beauty where fruits grow so pure and abundantly Giant insects that would send shivers down your spine Such exotic berries to make a unique wine What it would be to groove in a congo with the native African man Where women are so dear and true to their fam there is endless majesty in this little globe How I do so wish to see it all before I grow too old To sit in a rocking chair a mind ever so expanded So Content and humble never demanded The need or desire to gather pointless things But memories everlasting for eons to come Don't forget to Stop and smell the roses, there is no need to run I vow to always grow and expand ... I am that I am mother Earth's number one fan