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Jan 2013
I've seen beauty in places no one thought to look
I've held on to hope when other feelings shook
I've been beatin down
And I've been held up
But one things for sure,
I won't give up.

I've seen love in some of the darkest places
I've seen beauty in some of the ugliest faces
I've been beatin down
And I've been held up
But one things for sure,
I won't give up.

I've watched a bad man do good
And I've seen a good man do real, real bad-
When the whole world seems to go mad
I won't give up-

Cause even when you get beat down
You find the hope to stand
And even when there seems no beauty left-
You'll see another man
And when that good person does something bad
You have to know it was their decision that was mad
So don't give up
Please, don't give up.
kara lynn bird
Written by
kara lynn bird  Boston
   Johnnie Rae, K Balachandran and ---
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