It's ok, I've never heard of me either I'm what's called 'back-up' in case a famous one loses its tether You think the big man relies wholly on the ones that you've heard They're just for the kiddies tales baby, don't be so absurd There's Splodger, Spliffer, Ransack and me, To name but a few with names that don't agree There's Woody and Wobbler with Randy and Tiddler You'll get the jist with the names that have been called here All stood out the back after the main ones have been chosen and cleared Kids don't want to hear of the ones who break all the rules Sitting around all day stinking of their own stools For this isn't the way of a tale to be told If written in books then none would be sold As I am the just the Reindeer waiting in the wings Credit to Rudolph and the other ones who's names the children sing, As I am happy to be just waiting here, stuck between the shadows As time will tell if Rodney fits a story, that all will someday follow