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Jan 2013
I put my ear up to the glass,
And hear white noise.
I can see your lips moving,
And hear white noise.
You’re so close, yet so far,
On the other side of the glass.
Your eyes look at me, and see nothing,
On the other side of the glass.
I want to break through,
And feel your skin, your arms; your lips.
I need to break this barrier
And feel you.

I reach for you,
But the glass is cold.
I remember your warmth,
But the glass is cold.
Do you not see me now that
The window has fogged?
Can you see my tears even though
The window has fogged?
I want to wipe away this steam
And feel our connection again.
I need to wipe this veil of questions
And feel you.

Do you hear that
Pounding sound?
Is that you, beating on the glass and making a
Pounding sound?
Is that you becoming a
Clear image?
Are you wiping away the steam for a
Clear image?
Do I have the strength, to wipe away the steam
And feel vulnerable with you?
Lend me your courage to break this glass
And feel you.
Carsyn Smith
Written by
Carsyn Smith  PA, USA
(PA, USA)   
   Emilie and Christy Pavoncello
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