The love between was escaping into clogged gutters, each drilling sound a shattered sound crumbling in fallen syllables, a dangerous wave of accelerations gone astray.
The stark sun that used to shine inside our bedroom window was slowly backing away into closed infinities, gridlocked gates, a chamber of backdrop kingdoms.
The scattered dishes overcrowding the sink were filled with pain, lingering in abandoned dreams, as I stared at their smeared appearance, damaging reflections driven stone cold grey.
Burnt picture frames hung in a cell of confined chains, drenched dungeons, crouched corners, an empty existence wrinkled and strained. My heart was frozen underground and shoveled, stripped and scraped, a dragging depiction like an old man, like a slow ticking clock, like weather-beaten tires.
I could see the blackened trees beating against the windowsill, a smashed soul growing numb in dull hours, hopeless innocence, ghostly planes of hazy boulevards, rusted bitten leaves turning pale, as I stepped towards the kitchen sink, my hands pressed against the surface of the glass, embracing the rotating rhythms of bone breaking beats.