Hush and be still It's a quiet fight On a cloudy day or in the dark of night
Dust from a moon boot Cunningly clean close up to a motor boat or bleeding bright red blood from a fresh cut throat
Bunched on a bed with sanded sheets hand in hand on a distant beach I tasted the salt on her lips contemplating the possibility of my fingertips discreetly brushing her hips
Ever so lightly Slightly sliding through belt loops Never let me go
I let her go She told me to go she told me to go
I cut the deepest with the rustiest of razors She put the brakes on with the freshest of erasers and when I think of her she's faceless But the saltiness is all gone and I'm tasteless but my scars aren't baseless
Bandaged up Boots on Get back in the game We got guys on bases and you're up to bat son